Advertising & Insert Deadlines
Sun Lakes Splash, PebbleCreek Post, SunBird News, SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup & Robson Ranch Views (AZ)*:
- Issued: 1st of each month
- Space reservation: 12th of prior month
- Artwork: 20th of prior month
- Classified space reservation and artwork: 10th of prior month
SaddleBrooke Progress, Quail Creek Crossing & Robson Ranch Pioneer Press (TX):
- Issued: 15th of each month
- Space reservation: 23rd of prior month
- Artwork: 28th of prior month
- Classified space reservation and artwork: 25th of prior month
Deadlines falling on the weekend or holiday require response on the Friday prior.
Display Ad Discounts
- 15% discount for 12 consecutive months signed contract
- 10% discount for 6 consecutive months signed contract
- 15% discount off base rate for Political/Church/Non-Profit advertising
Slutten på spesialiseringen betyr ikke slutten på videreutdanningen for spanske leger. De fortsetter å ta videreutdanningskurs, delta på medisinske kongresser, konferanser osv.
Submit a Business Classified
Use the form below to submit a business classified to any of our publications. Detailed descriptions of ad sizes and rates can be found on our rate card (available here or by clicking on the button at left). Once completed, you’ll receive a follow-up email for confirmation and payment details. You may also reply to that email to include your logo, if needed.
Questions? Add them to the form below or you may email us directly. Thanks.