Editorial Submissions
Please fill out the form below to submit an article for an upcoming edition of one of our publications.
You may select multiple items (both article and photo files) for upload, either by using the Select Files button or by dragging and dropping files onto the form.
Submission Reminders:
- Articles should be fewer than 500 words in length.
- Photos should be submitted as .jpg files with a minimum resolution of 1,600 by 1,200 pixels.
- Photos of anyone under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian permission.
- No unlicensed stock images or art.
- No flyers without prior approval.
Questions? Please call 1-800-470-0893, ext. 4216, between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or click here.
Deadlines are as follows:
PebbleCreek Post, Robson Ranch Views (AZ), SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup, SunBird News – 10th of the month for the following month’s publication
Sun Lakes Splash – Noon of the 12th of the month
SaddleBrooke Progress, Quail Creek Crossing, Robson Ranch Pioneer Press (TX) – Noon on the 26th of the month
Please note that if the date falls on a weekend, deadlines are NOON the Friday before.
You will receive a confirmation email from our staff once received and processed. Thank you.